City-Wide Flood Design Implementations!!!
So Our Water Systems are Already Pretty Basic to This Right?? Well, You'd Have To Listen To Understand That Mine Are Just A Little More Advanced. It would Be As Big As Part Of A City. To ME THE GREEK WAY For The So Called Gods Would Be To Have A HUGE Contraption That Payed For ITSELF "INSTEAD OF PEOPLE PAYING FOR WATER & FLOOD DAMAGE." I'm Actually Not Complaining. "I just Wanna See People of Flood Plains Win BIG." So Pay Attention to My Other Articles. I'll Copy & Paste it When I'm Done. Ok. Here is the Previous Article: I was thinking about how we have all been affected by flooding at one point in time or another in our lives. Why can't we create additive manufactured plastic barriers that guide all of the water from the banks with reinforced high walls and plastic barrier that keeps it moving into a certain direction and drained farther away from businesses and homes into retaining ponds/lakes? What happened to things like...