My Personal Heart Blog on a Movie

    I was watching a Movie tonight with my friend!  It was called Law Abiding Citizen and it stirred a lot of emotion in me and thoughts about things I've learned or seen that I was moved to share it.  I was kind of thinking of what I had taught in my books about Human Nature vs. Higher Discipline and You Should Always Let Higher Discipline Win Out.  It brought back a lot of memories of College, Things I had learned about Law, My Old Intro to Criminal Justice Class and of Course my Own Version of what I would have done to Protect My Own Family or Friends.  "The Desperate Man is the Worst  at his Desperate Hour."

   Ok, So many things can go Wrong into Today's World that Aren't Always Right.  The Desperate Man tries to Rob, Murder and Take What He Thinks is His because He "IS" Well "Desperate."

  People Really Shouldn't Do Crimes Against One Another.  A Man Starts Out A Law Abiding Citizen.  Loses His "Whole Life" and "Whole Family" His Wife and Daughter Due to a Hate Crime and Robbery where He is Stabbed, He Loses His Wife and they Kill His Daughter!  All of Us Want a Fair Chance at Life With Our Families Right/????

   Well Listen to What I Have to Say Here:

You Have Actual Criminals and Actual Law Abiding Citizens.  Sometimes BECAUSE PEOPLE ERR We Are On The Side of Injustice instead of Justice "When" We are thrown Into the Justice System We Must Be Prepared To Use the Whole Justice System to Our Full Advantage.  Sometimes You Can Have an Unfair Judge, Dirty Cop, Dirty Prosecutor.  

    Then You Have the Usual Manic Human Being Who Commits Crime Based Upon Getting Even With A Vengence and all the Shit Hits the Fan From There!

   If a Judge is Actually Letting a Murderer Slip Through Their Hands and Not Offering the Maximum Penalty Sometimes The Citizen Must Work with the System In Order to Straighten Out the Chaos in "Their Life"  

                    ****This is Something Behavioral That I Want Us All To Learn As Public*****

If the System Is Unfair or Unjust In the Decision of Your Case and It Was a Murder or a Intended Err Against You Sometimes You "DO" Have to Straighten It Out Yourself.  I want Us All to teach that the System Can Have Error but that Justice is Upheld by Those Who Seek It and Try to Prove it.

    Gerald Butler About Destroys the Whole World Around Him "in the Movie."  He even kills his Prison Cell Mate "In his Most Desperate Hour."  I explained to my friend how he was using cognitive behavior existent of Human Nature vs. Higher order.  Because He Did tHis...He WAS NOT Successful With His Life.

     In this Thriller Murder Happens on Both the Sides of Justice as Injustice and the Side of Criminal as Justice.   Sometimes this Happens in Our System and can be Our Inmates or Even Family.

We All Live In A Pretty, Beautiful and Dirty, Riotous, Desperate World.  

      Let My Words Protect You.  Learn Justice!   If Someone Proffesionally enacted Errs against you in the Right of Law or Wrongs you when You Are Right in the Law That Person Rather Should Be Held Accountable for the Actions or Else the Manic Unjustified Balance it For You and the Unjust is in the Law Abiding Citizen who was unfairly treated Morphing into the Usual Crazed and Traumatizing Criminal Because People Have Repeatedly Abused Him or His Family.

     For As Long as We Determine Our Emotions and Actions as Individuals Do Not Matter

              We Will Live In A World  Of "No Life" & "Darkness."

Let Your Life Shine With "Love" and "Wisdom" of Not only "Good" but "Great Decisions!"


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