This is My Invention for a DNA Gene Expression Editing Micro-Nano Chip

I Am Jessica L. Gerlemann.  I have created a design in which a Micro-Nanochip
 is used to find the outcome of gene expression and store the outcomes in the
 memory of the chip and then interacts with the human body to edit the gene
 expressions that cause diseases by using computer algorithm to find all the
 possible outcomes of gene expression and then editing it.  The microchip
 hides a completely non-compromisable programmed source-outcome
 expression of genes on a nanochip and looks for any gene expressions that are
 expressed incorrect or labeled wrong and corrects it by interacting
 with the actual human genome as an implant in the body that acts
and is recognized the same as skin.  Once it is complete, you have
a Hybrid, A group of humans in well-being!!  I have created this in
 behalf of my love for humankind and wanting to abide in the
 wealth of my own and others well being in gene expressions.  Instead of
 gene mutation we have the possibility of correcting our
genes through the nano-chips recognized a certain bionic
fluid in our body and interacts with our human genome's
 biological expressions and processes and corrects gene mutation.

       DNA-Gene Expression Editing Micro-Nanochip
I am a Valentine's Baby!! And Guess What!? My Love FOr The HUMAN Genome has just arrived!!  This is a replica of how I would arrange my Microchip that is supposed to be inserted as part of a skin insert in the body that the body recognizes as its own skin and then interacts with other nanoparticles in the blood to correct gene expressions that cause diseases.  I have been working very hard to share this with you. I believe that if I have a nano-chip with the algorithm gene expression outcome capability that is non-compromisable and can "Identify" Problem Genes then we have the ability of making a HYBRID Humankind!!

© Jessica Lee Gerlemann 9/13/2018


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