
Showing posts from July, 2020

Types of Insurance & Their Range of Coverage

Car insurance costs based upon $100-$1000 damage to a vehicle in thousands, safety, year of vehicle, underwriter, state, issuer, if it prints paper duplicates in an office and whether it's a traditional ma and pap insurance or something updated such as e-surance. Life insurance protects the life of an individual and their family, their income, being dismembered in an accident, underwriter, issuer and riders or children and also differs based upon the type and if the policy matures in 1 while still alive you inherit the lump sum back that you payed in! Pretty cool, huh?? 😎 Health Insurance differs by deductible and copay. What you pay out of pocket versus what they cover or services provided or whether you have to be in a preferred provider network or if you can have any doctor you want. Now here's the complex problem:  Insurance just like the Treasury needs a source of income.  We can't expect money to just evolve from nowhere but our price to life with our families should...

The Source of Government In Our Lives

When we live in this World we have a lot of unexpected circumstances and situations. Government and Insurance always served as a protection for these! Government to make the laws that protect our children and punish those who commit crimes against humanity and to create authority and rules to govern people for the use of things such as insurance.      Insurance serves as a protection whether automobile or health and life like We Sometimes need protection against such as bad weather, accidents, death and also disability. Just because we have these things doesn't mean we need to kill, Rob each other or take from anybody because believe it or not government and Insurance alike is a God provision. Basically, if you have a loss of a job you might struggle with workmans compensation. You may have an injury or someone you know may have a life accident.  BUT...MY POINT IS ....THE PROVISIONS PROVIDE MORE THAN THE GAIN OF COMMITTING A CRIME AGAINST YOUR BROTHER..  DID YOU...