
Showing posts from February, 2019

Discussion In My Head:Incorporating New Inventions Into Society: Jessica Gerlemann

I was thinking about how we have all been affected by flooding at one point in time or another in our lives.  Why can't we create additive manufactured plastic barriers that guide all of the water from the banks with reinforced high walls and plastic barrier that keeps it moving into a certain direction and drained farther away from businesses and homes into retaining ponds/lakes?  What happened to things like the Eerie Canal or using a dam or bridge to hold back water and create energy from turbines at the same time?  My idea for a reinforced additive plastic manufactured wall that sets deep into the banks of a river and has high walls that reach out further than the bank on each side so that higher levels of water will fill a wider gap and be sent downstream to a retaining lake or pond or even kept for drinking water and well later on for a city instead of reprocessing the same water?   Why don't we build foundations like the medieval periods anymore where we are surrounded a