Our Government Is One of Our Oldest Institutions That Has Been Here ON EARTH!!!
Mountain Man Epiphany: Mountain Man Just walking around today in a field and I hear an echoing hello! Brought about a total God-encounter epiphany. Sometimes I pray to God to be near when I am having a hard time and dream about him and Heaven as I sleep. Well I came to some pretty good conclusions after being in nature and having beautiful rain and cloud cover over the fields. I asked for God and that's what I got. I asked for a beautiful rain storm and that's what I got. But meanwhile I wanted to share my conclusions to any stranger starting about the World Today. It's simply put that Our Forefather's left us important pieces of information and so did the civilizations our ancestors came from!! Today I wanted to share that I believe our Forefather's used the Bible to get us to accomplish a sole and main purpose. To achieve life for one another! Why do ...